
Lego from Walking with God and every moment but you don't feel leaves and emotions of joy to question it I've messed up and miss my opportunity and Redemption better life with God of God of trust with the truth and happiness and love remember this my thoughts are not your thoughts his thoughts his ways are not my ways my internet into a different relationship with someone something that I don't understand and I can't remember where we used to describe were they God uses Allah you have a lord Creator creation deals doesn't register to us like it should all powerful means way more to God than it does to a human we cannot comprehend the power that God does for understand the way God does it's Rob how can we expect to know or think we know if how should God is going down I mean not understanding that or thinking that way I parked out in the human expectations and judgment I can't fathom ever letting somebody care about in love go through what I did wish I was convinced I was sent to Hell real talk hell for me is obviously what I perceived to be the worst thing happening to me and to me they are the hell to God that's not existent first off but he sees a thousand times worse version of my hell happening maybe just maybe he had to let me go through my level of hell to protect me from his level of hell but I told myself that's the biggest lesson so far.