He could be seen as Defiance but in no way do I ever want to defy God for the contrary I even being grown ass man and scared scared of not writing something correct or of displacing God on some way and it's funny I never liked writing but it is directly with LED me through everything I will share with you in the next pages because it was while I was riding down being frustrated with someone a colleague at work writing down why we were always battling each other when in fact we wanted we believed wanted the same thing it's or it was the first time I had ever done that I said it's funny last paragraph because since that I have written a lot and it's time Holy Spirit somehow just takes all of my hand and guides my thoughts come out of number of somewhere nothing's I'll go back and read are awesome amazing insightful full of wisdom will be needed in the future and very impactful to me because even though it was written by the spirit it's from me to me the funny but not really funny part was his as a simply picked up the pen and they're worrying or procrastinating fighting together what you're reading just slowed out and the ability and what to say started coming the command was the right what I have seen and after asking God and what way the distraction was to write it as if I were coming into my daughter sure that my passionate care truth and Love go to each word and I cannot stress enough that each word is written for a reason Jesus our God does not say anything just say it the Creator is the most efficient being and it starts only the energy that's needed to make the impact sired to get a return on that invaluable wisdom and the energy spent sharing it in short we need to show or prove why Jesus God should spend any of his invaluable as a variety time with us as of this moment after more back and forth I re-engage my time to simply be about God not as early scripture simply pondering praying and asking for wisdom and understanding I Divine Design every single thing I did every accident took was predetermined because it led me right to where I need to do recap to let me experience what I had read before a different way with new insight and What God Says is finally be getting serious about what is overall plan is and get back to it I was able to finally put the back and forth about the existence of the physical man Jesus and also a new understanding which came into question again because of what I was previously telling you to constant answering it mental torture at this moment I understanding is Jesus is exactly what is described get it here at the world as is so you can make complete the Plan of Salvation and return at the appointed time and in the twinkling of an eye however 17th 2024 I wrote simply making the time that's all I needed to do because of my Jesus God told me he was worth more than gold he always seems to be right related to do was make the time because of my faith and I thought was taking forever or never arriving I'm not understanding I was him being able to find tune in my face see now in this moment I see that because of my faith and shortcut it passed a lot in my perception I could have been a lifetime different lessons experiences trials and tribulations and studying specifically get me to a spot where I believe that voice in my head is really him had conversation with myself in my head is us literally having a conversation not mentioned in here are different people with headsets on in the offices need to believe they're in New York anywhere and everywhere all kinds of things visual model that are being shown to me and messages on the phone non stop? Scripture being changed and Rewritten in front of my face to point guide me into where I'm wanted to go I believe that my question why I let go of my my world so fast and so easily said thank God for stitching me together in my mother's womb to my understanding is silly in me but he I just got in Jesus for deciding my life to allow the things I experienced bring out and still things to drive me to this very moment and my own words with that it's like they planted seeds on a garden he would always made that secret place and it was fit together so before the foundation of the earth began he's creating a garden just simply planting seeds I mean I would eat it before it was inhabited every day of my life fashioned and created in the perfect way to grow flourish those are trials and tribulations in the garden living and learning is growing and growing trial and affliction hurts the extreme extreme Weathers or hostile predator that I guess I'm learning to evade when I do have florist and for me to live is Christ I understand heaven I like to get there and be there I keep getting pulled back send another Direction today is a game that's the Bible says whatever it is conduct ourselves like we're walking in front of Christ because we are one of Life worthy of is this title they're called a Unity and nothing out of selfish emotion for fancy and when it's written like this it's so easy to look at yourself and go if I just did that but what's not written it's not ready is he absolute real not a perceive these are real fucking men picking Joy literal Joy torturing people it's what they do your powers to be use the Bible as a hierarchy and with the Bible and the church have all the power and all the control in the world and I think in those titles in the Bible I heard they move the area that you read about in the Bible is what they gain along with the people in it and control it a bunch of egos going at each other that's how the world's around let me see it literally as well how it plays out because that's how it plays out at church for that hierarchy structure is the cause of all the famines the war is the church might as well include the politicians because they're right there just pulling the strings to make it happen or sign in their name it's all over this perceived land you wonder why why is perceived land just because sense again higher up you go the more you have the more you gain and then you reached Satan and God levels and they control the world for their absolutely characters they control way more and but you'll see is you coming to find out there's a really big reason for it and that's because the land is reusable what I mean by that is technology is accomplished what we're looking at right now long ago long ago and what they do is they just have history keep repeating itself they use players people like me who somehow wound up in this thing without even knowing and that's the reason apparently I made it really far and started ruffling some feathers because I was oblivious to it it was just my face and found out real quickly that we live in a simulation all the land in the world is redivided reacquired resold for real profit not just once every each one of us lives in the Veil that you read about in the Bible and I've seen this once fails lifted you're going to see we are not alone in any way shape or form that's the only people on earth you're going to see there's a lot more going on with organized religion and the governments of the world who they know who they hide for the help it's not us in any way shape or form at all is that a way bigger level for us what they've done is they've kept us in this Veil which each one of us have would you get dumb like a snow globe picture snow globe going around you and it's your own world without Dome is your Oculus goggles virtual reality they've got that technology in those goggles long ago so sometimes for 200 bucks it's really going to be almost they perfected that technology so long ago it's unreal I've watched it being made I have about evidence of it and it's it's just a few steps further than the virtual reality in the goggles we live in it and we're born into it and we are biological version of I guess artificial intelligence because the matter that makes us has been perfected to be what we are given but it's not a level that's understood controlled we're not just getting to quantum theory and corn is not a theory it's called a biology it's it's quantum physics it's all real they know it it's been here forever and it makes up everything and it allows but you're not see that's what we're not seeing this technology is for anybody that doesn't know about it it could only be created at the hand of God in our perception and it seems like that the control people everyone so the hierarchy in this organized Church and there's no more than one hierarchy because they can sell the land and control 6 billion different versions of that imagine that it's incomprehensible and I've seen it and each one of those 6 billion have their own almost infinite worlds and we we can't understand until we see how it is created how comes to be so kind of real quick that these positions are apparently extremely valuable myself because of the Enlightenment I prefer only what I needed and again that's why I was oblivious to everything it also includes time travel and that has been attained and used I've seen this it keeps us in the dark is their own ignorance it's simply believing when somebody tells us it's not going out and experiencing something for ourselves is a rushing through our day why do we rush through our day because we are slaves. Prostitutes. We are here in these simulators to labor for entire life and then die and we start over again there is no death what I've seen so far is until death I guess but I didn't give a moment there are many views live in the same existence just in a slightly different time very very select few have this technology I just learned a day if you were to change out the word Israel and the rest of us for Palestine I knew what's going on and yet also understand that Iron Dome that they put over Israel the Dome over us individually each completely controlled everything right when she tap into understanding that it's extremely powerful and again it's incomprehensible